St John's Past Events

8th Annual Commemoration Day

May 24, 2008

Commemoration Day, 2008, St. John’s Historic Cemetery
Saturday, May 24, 2008, 10:00 AM u Theme 1876—Founding of St. John's Cemetery—in Boomtown Pensacola!

On Saturday, May 24, 2008, at 10:00AM, Friends of St. John’s Historic Cemetery celebrated its eighth annual Commemoration Day. The years of the late 1800's in Pensacola was an era of growth, prosperity and expanding ventures in lumbering, shipping, fishing, real estate and building! Pensacola Bay was filled with sailing ships! Business was booming! A new cemetery was needed to accommodate the city’s growth and the graves of former civic leaders, teachers, professionals and everyman. Today, gravestones at St. John’s History Cemetery relate many fascinating tales—to those who want to learn more about Pensacola’s story.


Ted Nickinson Welcome

Father Jack Gray Opening prayer

Linda Gray The National Anthem

Boy Scout Troop 495, sponsored by First United Methodist Church, Presentation of the Colors and Pledge of Allegiance

Jack Fleming Announcements and Introductions

Melodious Male 90's Quartettefrom the famous Rotary Rooters

John Appleyard The thriving port of Pensacola circa 1876 and Historian related enterprises. Leaders interred in SJHC

Randall Broxton Education, politics, and building in the late 1800’s Historian, PJC Leaders interred in SJHC

Charles Green The beginnings of St. John’s Cemetery,1876, President, St. John’s Cemetery Company

Ted Nickinson Closing Remarks

Father Jack Gray Closing prayer

Boy Scout Troop 495 Retirement of the Colors

Linda Gray, Quartette and Audience Sing “God Bless America”


We invited attendees to dress in late 1800's attire. (optional !)

We asked individuals and /or groups to display materials from the late 1800’s era— scrapbooks; pictures; memorabilia; models of sailing ships, sawmills, etc. There was music with a '90's flavor.

Images courtesy Dr. Jack Fleming